The Toothlife Blog by @Toothlife.Irene

Dear Toothlife, What do I look out for with Oral Cancer IRL?

Dear Toothlife, What do I look out for with Ora...

Dear Toothlife... what signs and symptoms do I need to look out for when it comes to oral cancer? @Toothlife.Irene has you covered with the answer and a downloadable resource!

Dear Toothlife, What do I look out for with Ora...

Dear Toothlife... what signs and symptoms do I need to look out for when it comes to oral cancer? @Toothlife.Irene has you covered with the answer and a downloadable resource!

In-Practice: VisiLite PRO vs. VELscope Vx?

In-Practice: VisiLite PRO vs. VELscope Vx?

If you want two Oral Cancer screening devices to look in to here they are!  @Toothlife.Irene here reporting on what I have my eyes on! First up is the VELscope Vx from...

In-Practice: VisiLite PRO vs. VELscope Vx?

If you want two Oral Cancer screening devices to look in to here they are!  @Toothlife.Irene here reporting on what I have my eyes on! First up is the VELscope Vx from...

Oral Health & Cancer Awareness

Oral Health & Cancer Awareness

Here are a few diagnostic tests to consider for a better review of oral lesions and findings. As part of our commitment to promoting good oral health practices, we are...

Oral Health & Cancer Awareness

Here are a few diagnostic tests to consider for a better review of oral lesions and findings. As part of our commitment to promoting good oral health practices, we are...